The Terrible Accident, Kota Tinggi's Highway 2011.

Saturday, 08 January 2011.

This accident happened just before my eyes. involving a collision of factory bus and a 40footer lorry. The accident is so bad that half of the right side of the bus is gone being ramped by the lorry. I was visited my father at the Kota Tinggi Hospital and on my way back to my house that night.

The lorry is from Kota  Tinggi which we'd saw it earlier driving very fast!! apart from that the accident is also contributed by the new Kota Tinggi's highway which is now in the upgrading process, started from Ulu Tiram to Kota Tinggi.

So anyone using the road, hati-hati lah yer.. speeding is definately kill!!

I helped several people and some other people also stopping by and lending hands, truly Malaysia Spirit!! Good job guys!! unfortunately there are two casualties which i feel sorry for the family. Condolence to them, may God bless their soul...


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