Hairy.. Hairy.

Watching Harry Potter 7 todays. Lots of people and baby crying! And made me cursing them "duhhh anak kecik jgn ler bwk pi cinema kan bising, dah tu x reti2 nk kluar?". Sabarrun Minal...&):;(). ;)

Lunch kt Jusco, actually smpi pkl 3:30ptg. Trus rushing lunch dan trus order mee kari, x tau nk mkn apa lenjan jer lah. Lalu dkt Secret Recipi. Ingatkan nk mkn laksa, skali full house!!

Susah duk negeri sbelah negara mewah yg 'mahal' nk mkn kt tpt sendiri... Duhhh

Queeing time, beli soft drink vanilla coke, pop corn dan sweet corn. Bkn x kenyang gi tpi Harry Potter lma sgt, dua jam stengah! Duk dlm cinema yg sejuk mau kelaparan nnti! Pengalaman nih! Hehe

... And the poster and a 'big' lady yg menyibuk interframe!! Nasik lomak 5ringgit tuh!! Hehe wink! Wink!! ;)

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